Good News in India

This week we are sharing updates from our partners in India...

We are grateful to all of our partners on the front lines who are doing this hard, but significant work. This is quite literally "good news to the poor".

Due to the severe persecution in the Indian state of Manipur, many have had to flee and have ended up in relief camps in other parts of India, and it is unsure whether they will be able to return to their homes. Families have been separated, people have been killed, and some are even missing as families cannot get word as to their whereabouts.

Our team at FIAM, has sent several convoys over the past several months into these refugee camps to deliver necessary supplies and literal "good news" in their time of need.

Here is an update below from their most recent refugee outreach:


"We extend our heartfelt thanks and love for your generous support and prayers. With your contributions, we've been able to provide vital assistance to those in need. On this last trip, we've assisted nine injured individuals, extended aid to seven families mourning the loss of their loved ones, and distributed 38 mattresses to mothers with very young children. Additionally, we've distributed 150 heating blankets to children, ensuring their protection from the harsh cold, and provided essential food supplies to 330 families. We have also conducted medical camps among the relief camps we have visited.

We're currently in the process of constructing toilets and washrooms in the relief camps. This initiative is essential in safeguarding the health and dignity of the victims, given the challenging circumstances they face.

Unfortunately, the scale of the devastation and the ongoing conflict indicate that these victims may not be able to return to their homes anytime soon. Hence, we've resolved to focus on providing these critical facilities within the relief camps.


We recognize that education is paramount for the future of these children, so we appeal to our supporters for their continued prayers and love.

Your support will play a pivotal role in building more facilities, including toilets and washrooms, and in providing children with educational resources such as books, temporary schooling, and the necessary support for teachers.

Earlier this year Travis & Gloria Sheehan had the opportunity to move to Southeast India to serve on mission there. Their goal is to "bring the Gospel into many of the schools in this area, while developing relationships with the students."  They will be partnering with a local church there and will be a fundamental part in helping them build their English speaking children's, youth, and young adult ministries.

Here is an update from Travis & Gloria about their last few months:


"Over the past 6 months the Lord has been doing so much here in India.

Serving alongside the local church - Our host family we stay with are a part of a local church here in Chennai, in which we’ve been able to join in the community and serve alongside our brothers and sisters. We get to serve with the children’s ministry, youth ministry, were leaders at Vacation Bible School (VBS), and have become leaders over the weekly English service.

School ministry - Twice a week my wife and our friend get to go into a local school and do a Bible time and lesson with a group of girls. We partner with some other schools in South India where we get to go and do a day long camp much like a mini VBS with the kids in which we do worship, games, and get to share the word of God.

Village ministry - Village ministry is one of the most difficult ministries here in India as there is a whole set of rules and culture. We’ve gotten to visit multiple villages as well as start a children’s ministry in one of the villages of a family from our church in the evenings. On our first event, over 100 people showed up and got to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Ministry trips - We’ve had the opportunity to travel to different parts of India to partner with fellow believers in their missions and ministries. We spent 10 days in Meghalaya and got to speak in multiple different churches as well as see some beautiful sights.

Andrah - Our friend is from Andrah Predesh and has many connections. We’ve been to Andrah twice now and both trips have been busy with time spent at local churches and ministries.

More from the west - Our friend Ashton recently felt called to ministry and potentially missions and got to spend 2 weeks with us opening her eyes to see what missions here in India is like."

Travis and Gloria, along with their two girls, are committed to India and all God has placed before them for their hands and feet to do.

“Our desire in these amazing opportunities is to see the schools infiltrated for Jesus, the unreached be reached, and the lost and broken to find hope and rest in Jesus.”
- The Sheehans

Thank you so much to those of you who have given generously over the past year to the Grace Barnes' Memorial Fund.

Through your generosity and Grace's legacy, many lives in India have been impacted!

The money given for Grace's Memorial Fund has gone to our longstanding partners in Chennai, India, at Inter-Mission Industrial Development Association. As part of their work, they run The Young Women's Hostel and Training Center, which is a safe haven for underprivileged young women from nearby villages who are also studying at the IIDA Skills Academy. The campus has been built with money given by donors and the new part of the campus was specifically built with funds that were given from Links for Grace's Memorial Fund. It has been a great blessing to have this space for vulnerable young women.

With the money raised, the following work has been done:
- Roots removed from bathroom wall
- Replacement of bathroom and kitchen doors
- New flooring in bathroom
- Old wire support beams removed in bathroom
- Wash basins in the bathroom have been improved and painted. All faucets and pipes have been replaced
- New bathroom roof

Your generosity toward this fund has helped create a safe, comfortable, and dignified environment, enabling the young women to study and stay with our partners. All of this enables them to thrive and pursue their dreams!

We know Grace would be so happy to see the impact that the money raised has had. Her legacy is living on and continuing to impact and empower the lives of many.


Ted Style Talk Testimony


Packing for Panama and taking clean water!