Kafe dhe Muzikë në Kosovë

Translated from Albanian to English that means Coffee & Music in Kosovo!

Our partners in Kosovo have had some great opportunities for mission through their work in the coffee shop and with some missionaries that came into the country all the way from Texas.

Here are a few updates from our partners there:


Shpëtim has been manager at Newborn Brew Coffee Shop for a year now and although it comes with its challenges he is still loving it. Getting to work with his non-believing co-workers as well as the Christian volunteers from AJM (A Jesus Ministry) has been such a blessing. As the Fall semester picks up so do the crowds at the cafe! We are excited to see what opportunities God brings Shpëtim as he continues to serve Him in this capacity and get to witness not only to his co-workers but also all the loyal customers that come in!


A missionary couple in Peja had a team over from Texas and they organized a concert. The missionary couple's friend has a bunch of connections and he got the City to pay for the venue and everything! That was great, but also meant that we couldn't do something "very religious." Well that didn’t stop Shpëtim. He got up there, shared that the church believes in Jesus and led the church in worship. It was very awesome to see even non-believers stand up and some even tried to sing along! Please pray that those people are touched and their eyes are opened!

Please also keep them in prayer as they use their time and talents to minister to whoever God puts in front of them.


Good Together: The Good News of Education


Good Together: Saving Lives and Spreading the Gospel