As we make the most of these final days of 2023, I would like to wrap things up by saying THANK YOU!

Every year
I stand in awe of how God uses our organization to connect people around the world to confront poverty and create potential. Every day we hear stories of how the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel is changing lives. Every story usually has at least three names. (1) The name of someone who was compelled to make a donation (2) The name of someone who is serving on the front line of need and (3) The name of the person who received the good news. The most amazing thing to see is how the lives of everyone involved is changed as we join with God on His mission.

We are grateful to be the link between all of this life change, and we are grateful for each of you for being a part of making a difference in the lives of so many people.

We have seen so many incredible things, but as we look ahead to 2024, we know there is still more to be done. I'm confident that we will continue to be GOOD TOGETHER, today and every day, because God is with us. May we never stop working together to "bring good tidings of great joy to all people." (Luke 2:10)

Watch Jason’s 2023 Wrap Up!

Take a look back at all we were able to do & accomplish in 2023 through the generosity of our Links Family!

Learn more about who our mission workers are, where they serve, and consider a year-end gift to thank them for their faithfulness.

Read our end-of-year letters and learn more about how your generosity and support made a global impact.

Hear more stories from around the world and from all of our offices in the 2023 edition of the Links Magazine.
(Read our USA Update as well!)


Business on Mission


Good Together: Giving Tuesday