Good Together: Giving Tuesday

Today, on Giving Tuesday, and every day we are grateful for the generosity of everyone in our Links Family who give their prayers, their time, and their finances to help us serve those living in poverty around the world. 

Our end-of-year giving will be focused on three significant needs (1) Our PEOPLE (2) Our PROJECTS and (3) the PERSECUTED Church.

One of the great things about Links is that we have direct communication with every person and project we work with. When you give to Links, you can be assured that your donation is going to a vetted worker or partner working on the front lines, and having an immediate impact on the world's most vulnerable people. We receive timely reports with current photos and media that ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Links is a REALLY GOOD INVESTMENT for your Giving Tuesday GENEROSITY.

Our Links Global Mission Workers and Stateside team work hard every single day to mobilize GOOD NEWS in practical ways. Most are fully fundraised positions, and with the combination of a decrease in giving and global inflation post-COVID, missionaries are faced with doing more with less. We would like to provide a supplemental gift to our workers to close out the year, and we would love for you to participate in standing with our workers as they faithfully serve the nations.

For more on our workers, click the button below.

Our poverty-confronting projects give GOOD NEWS in practical ways for those living in extreme poverty. Clean Water saves lives and allows for greater health in general. Micro-Business Initiatives are giving a hand-up to people and giving them the opportunity to earn a living wage. Leadership Development allows indigenous leaders to have the tools they need to lead their communities into new destinies. Counseling, Coaching, and Missionary Care keep workers spiritually, emotionally, and mentally healthy, so they stay well-equipped for the task at hand. Act4You allows missionaries to fundraise while keeping their attention on the daily ministry needs. Our GOOD NEWS projects are also crucial to opening doors for Gospel saturation in the places we work. 

This year we have seen a spike in suffering at the hands of targeted persecution. Our partners in India, Pakistan, and Sudan have felt the effects of this in terrible ways. The needs are still huge, and we want to be a part of supporting those who have lost everything for the sake of the Gospel.

Please be in prayer for our PEOPLE, our PROJECTS, and the PERSECUTED CHURCH. Your SUPPORT and GENEROSITY is CHANGING LIVES every single day!


2023 Wrap Up!


GoodTogether: Good News for Christmas